Sutton Coldfield day nursery Bush Babies have dropped from ‘Outstanding’ to ‘requires improvement’ after failing an Ofsted inspection on the 20th of April this year.
The report, released earlier this month, says that they “do not meet legal requirements for Early Year settings”:
“Staff’s understanding and use of the observation, assessment and planning process is variable across the nursery. Not all staff complete regular observations of children.”
However, staff member Debbie of Bush Babies Nursery said there is no concern over the welfare of the children.
“The welfare of the children is definitely there, she [the inspector] wasn’t happy with our paperwork.”
In their last inspection in 2012 the nursery was rated ‘Outstanding’. However, Ofsted introduced tougher nursery inspections in 2013 and only ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ are now considered acceptable.
A rating of ‘requires improvement’ – previously ‘satisfactory’ – means the nursery will be inspected again within the next six months.
“In the report it states that we didn’t meet the legal requirements for Early Year settings – but this was just to do with the planning and paperwork and because of this we are providing extra training for the staff. It wasn’t to do with the welfare of the children.”
“On that specific day a member of staff had come in late so we were not meeting the required ratio of children to staff for twenty five minutes.”
“We’d like the parents to know that it had nothing to do with the welfare and safety of the children.”
For more information, you can read the full report here
The post ‘Outstanding’ Sutton Coldfield nursery Bush Babies fails Ofsted inspection appeared first on Birmingham Eastside.